Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q - What is a Ratepayers’ and Residents’ Association?
A - A Ratepayers’ & Residents’ Association is a group of ratepayers and residents within a geographically bounded area that come together to address issues affecting their neighbourhood.
Q. - What geographic area does the Masterton RRA cover?
A - Masterton means the area bounded in the south from north of the Waingawa River and in the north from south of the Paierau Road intersection with SH2.
Q - Who can become a member of the Masterton RRA?
A - Membership is open to any ratepayer or resident within the Masterton area as defined in Clause 2 of the Constitution on payment of the prescribed subscription fee and completion of a membership form.
Q - Can the public attend MRRA committee meetings?
A - Any financial member of the Masterton Ratepayers & Residents Assn (MRRA) may attend a meeting of the Committee. Such attendees may speak to an agenda item or other business relevant to the community, provided they advise the Chairperson 48 hours in advance. Time for Public Input shall be set aside on the agenda for that purpose, or the Chairperson may permit input during other agenda items. Public input shall be limited to three (3) minutes per speaker and a total of five (5) speakers, unless the Committee agrees otherwise.
Q - How much is it to join the MRRA and where do I join up?
A - The Annual Subscription is currently $15 pp, per year, or $20 for two people living at the same address. These fees go towards administration costs, including venue/meeting room hireage; set up and ongoing costs towards maintaining a website and email address; set up costs and annual fees of an incorporated society; annual auditing of the financial reports; potential future legal and financial advice etc.
Q - Where can I sign up to join?
A - On the front page of our website - click on the "Become a Member" icon, via the link below, via our Facebook page or email