Cockburn Street

This page provides information on the waste water (sewage) issues that have been occurring in the Cockburn/Colombo Street area for many years.  Below is a brief timeline of events, below that there is some information on the current status of the affected properties, which will be periodically updated as information is received.

There are also some links to click, to documents or news articles related to this issue.

Timeline of Events

26/10/2006 - An article in the NZ Herald "Long wait for action on flooding drains

8/2007 - An article in the NZ Herald "Cockburn Street residents play waiting game" (MDC replaces laterals up to property boundaries).

July 2018 - Masterton District Council (MDC) publishes "Assessment of Water and Sanitary Services 2018". Page 53 states "There have been very few overflows from the sewerage system in the past due to the high capacity of the existing pipes. Therefore, the risk to public health from sewage overflows from manholes etc. is minimal."

30/6/2021 - MDC adopts it's "Waste Water Asset Management Plan 2021-31". There is NO mention of the Cockburn and Colombo Rd issues.

July 2022 - 20 portaloos required in Cockburn St/Colombo Rd area (documented in the minutes of a MDC meeting)

20/09/22 - An article on article on the decision by MDC not to spend all of the $3.88m "Better Off" 3waters grant on the waste water system. 

8/11/2022 -  Lakeview School meeting between 41 residents and councillors (Caffell/Lennox/Goodwin/Tuuta/Holmes/Johnson/Nelson). MRRA and WTA present.

6/12/2022 - 2 Lot subdivision given consent by MDC at 160 Cockburn St. and is subject to conditions regarding connecting into the Cockburn St waste water main.

7/3/2023 - 16 Lot subdivision given consent by MDC at 3 Andrew St. and is subject to conditions regarding connecting into the Cockburn St waste water main.

05/04/2023 - A 1news article concerning Cockburn Street residents attending a full MDC meeting. "I’m so f***ing tired of fighting for our rights to human decency,” a tearful Jaimee Charters told the council on Wednesday. 

29/7/2023 - MRRA representative met with 3 residents from Colombo/Cockburn to discuss MDC progress on temporary fixes, and other issues eg new sub-divisions nearby.

6/10/23 - A Times Age article "Sewage remains a stain on Cockburn"

27/10/2023 - 09:44 am MDC news release "Masterton District Council has installed or agreed to install medium-term solutions in 17 properties ".  Also.... "Kym Fell (CEO) has confirmed his intention to seek independent engineering advice on the wastewater issues faced by some Cockburn Street and Colombo Road properties."

31/10/23 - Times Age article, Phil Evans of MDC confirms 17 properties had non-return valves installed, 7 tanks had been installed, with a further 2 tanks pending. 3 further properties were in train for tanks, after discussion. Installation for most properties would be by end of November.

30/11/2023 - Times Age article, Phil Evans of MDC confirmed 21 properties have been offered reflux (non return) valves, and 13 also offered wastewater tanks, work to be completed by the end of the year.

25/01/2024 - Mark Mitchell (Minister for Emergency Management and Recovery)  announces $8m funding for projects to improve flood resilience in the Wairarapa. $1.3m of the $8m is to go towards installing storage tanks and/or reflux valves at residential properties in Cockburn Street.

22/5/24 - MRRA informed the proposed develop at 160 Cockburn Street has been consent by MDC to connect to the waste water mains (see 6/12/22  item above).

23/5/202 4 - MRRA request a copy of the Engineering Report that was planned to be released late February (see 27/10/2024 above). This request is refused the next day.

26/5/2024 - MRRA submit two Official Information Requests related to the Engineering Report that was planned to be released to the public late February (see above).

29/5/2024 - At the Council Infrastructure meeting the Cockburn issue is discussed and a report "mentioned". A post meeting addition to the published agenda "Tabled Papers" gives a status update,  and mentions the report "Cockburn-Colombo WW Overflows Review 25 March 2024" (see link to report above). 6 weekly project updates are promised for the future.

29/5/2024 -  MDC hand delivers written invites to a private meeting on 9th June, between MDC and Cockburn (and other affected residents).

9/6/2024 - Private meeting between MDC and affected residents. The MRRA request an invite, but are not allowed to attend. Residents from 7 of the 21 affected homes attend.

10/6/2024 - MDC publish the (latest) GHD report requested by the MRRA 26th May (see link above for the report). The second  request for information made on the 26th May (including all other versions of the report) is still being processed by MDC. The report has numerous recommendations, including advice on:

a. Managing the issue of storm water ingress into the waste water network, and having a "hydraulic model" for the trunk network.

b. Managing the storm water network, including developing a "Storm Water Catchment Management Plan".

c. Conducting a pilot of the recommendations, for the Cockburn Street Catchment.

Status Updates

To protect the privacy of the owners and residents of  the properties involved no addresses of affected properties will be published without the owner consent. 

15/6/2023: Masterton District Council state that 3 of approximately 20 affected properties are on track to get a temporary fix. The solution is a 3600 liter tank and non return valve in the lateral pipe to the property, a pump will be installed on some properties. A pump prevents the need to get the tank emptied by MDC during prolonged rain events.

11/10/23: 15 properties have been identified as suffering issues in high rainfall events by the MRRA, there are understood to be at least 5 more yet to be confirmed as in scope for a "fix".

5 (approx.) properties are not yet identified by the MRRA as requiring a "fix"

5 properties have not had a fix 

3 properties have had non return valves fitted

4 properties have had non return valves and tanks fitted

3 properties have had non return valves and tanks fitted (TBC) and are waiting for pumps.



13/06/24: The GHD report states 21 private properties have non return valves, 13 properties have tanks (there is no mention of pumps). The report states the lateral pipes of affected properties were lined to prevent the tanks filling up due to storm water ingress.