Local Elections 2022

Watch videos of candidates for Mayor and Councillor being interviewed by the MRRA president.

There is also a 1 minute video where the candidates give reasons why you should vote for them.

The official candidate profiles are also provided for each candidate.

Masterton Council Pre-election Interviews

Gary Caffell - Masterton Matters

My principal place of residence is in the Masterton District Council area. I am also standing for Masterton/Whakaoriori General Ward.

As a four-term councillor I believe I have the strength, character and experience to lead the council through what promises to be a very challenging next three years. The gulf between council and community must be addressed so that the two are working closely together in the best interests of the district, both urban and rural.

The current town hall site is clearly my preferred option for the new civic centre and I also favour the library being upgraded on its present site. A major priority must be the enhancement of our water infrastructure to cope with the localised problems highlighted by recent heavy rainfall, housing and transport concerns must be tackled, our climate change plan must be progressed, the CBD make-over should be advanced with strong business input and, very importantly, everything done to ensure rate increases are kept to a minimum.

Bex Johnson - A Voice For Our Community

My principal place of residence is in the Masterton/Whakaoriori General Ward area. I am also standing for Masterton Trust Lands Trust and Masterton Community Trust.

As a current Councillor, I strive to be a strong voice for our community. I support the Civic Centre and the library remaining on their current sites. We should use our own assets to rebuild and renovate at an affordable cost to ratepayers. I oppose 3 Waters. The Government’s proposal is undemocratic. Our assets have been paid for by generations of Masterton ratepayers. With 3 Waters we will lose our local voice and costs will increase. Our resilience to a changing world, water storage and local government reform are also major issues.

I will push for Council to focus on its core services with rates increases in line with inflation. Continuity is also important, I will continue to closely monitor our key projects and spending, including major infrastructure works and Hood Aerodrome. Re-elect me, I’ll continue to work hard for Masterton.

Tom Hullena

My principal place of residence is in the Masterton/Whakaoriori General Ward area.

Common Sense, Commitment, Integrity Masterton is my home. I was born, raised, and educated in Masterton. Trudy and I raised our children here. I am passionate about ensuring Masterton is a great place to live, work, retire, and prosper – for all people.

Most of my work life has been in education including being a teacher, principal, university lecturer, school advisor, and currently I am an education consultant. Beyond education, I have served in the NZ Army, and worked on the ground in forestry, construction, transport, and the meat industry. I have held a range of governance roles including on school boards, the MTLT, ECCT, and REAP Wairarapa.

If elected, I will work hard to ensure council spending prioritises council’s core business including mitigating the risks of climate change. Funds available over and above this should focus on enabling economic, social, and cultural wellbeing. Together – a better Masterton.

Tim Nelson - Independent

My principal place of residence is in the Masterton/Whakaoriori General Ward area.

It has been a privilege to have had the opportunity to be a Masterton District Councillor for the last three years. I am proud of the way in which I have represented our community, with a focus on key infrastructure, while being a strong voice against poorly thought out projects, the moving of the civic centre being a key example of this; I am a councillor who has fought and voted from the start to keep the centre on the current site.

I will always ask the hard questions and will hold others to account; I stand behind my voting record on every issue. I would love the opportunity to be a part of a cohesive council that works together to address what our community actually needs; we are the custodians of ratepayer money, every dollar must be spent with justification and good sense.

Craig Bowyer - Masterton The Way You Want It

My principal place of residence is in the Masterton/Whakaoriori General Ward area. I am also standing for Mayor.

I’ve lived in the Masterton District for over 20 years, I and my family have gone to school here and it is a great place to work and live. I believe it is time for change. Time for a fresh perspective and a leader who will bring the council together with the community – to build trust through honesty and transparency.

Your vote for me will ensure that the views of the community will be brought into the council decision-making process as we need everyone on the same page to build a better future for the people in our area. We need to develop solutions to the issues faced by us all with a long-term focus. Together we can do better to get Masterton the way you want it

Brent Goodwin - Reduce staff and Civic Centre costs

My principal place of residence is in the At Large area.

I’m standing because I’m optimistic that a new Council will have a majority wanting similar changes to reduce the rates burden. Please vote for those wanting to reduce rates and expenditure. In the last 9 years annual staff costs have increased from $5.6m/yr to currently over $14m/yr – staff numbers have more than doubled! I want less staff.

The Civic Centre has an indicated cost over $70m and there is a plan to spend $35m+ on rearranging the CBD around it. I want a much cheaper option. MDC has too many secret meetings(workshops) – they take the debate out of the public eye, shield the Councillors who don’t contribute and are undemocratic. MDC has a very high proportion of people on fixed incomes – our rates are too high and must reduce.

Stella Lennox - Next Generation Councillor

My principal place of residence is in the At Large area.

Born and bred in Masterton, I know this town like the back of my hand. Returning from overseas in 2008, my family of four are active community members and we love this place. I currently serve as Chair of Lakeview School Board, Te Hapori Skatepark, and work as a manager for one of Kainga Ora’s leading maintenance partners. I am a member of the Masterton Theatre Company and Friends of Queen Elizabeth Park. Community engagement is key from our council.

I will offer a fresh set of ears, tuning in to your current concerns and desires for change, and will work hard to get things done. The key issues facing this town; housing, rate affordability, infrastructure and the decision around the Civic Centre. Never content with the status-quo, I believe robust conversations and community engagement around these is paramount to ensure Masterton is the best place for all to enjoy.

David Holmes

My principal place of residence is in the At Large area.

I’m proud to represent rural Masterton. I’ve farmed all my life and bring a balanced view to Council. I understand financial restraints faced by all ratepayers with ever increasing costs. I oppose 3 waters and believe the model is wrong. More water storage is a priority for district water security. Wastewater is a resource which we could use for irrigation.

Masterton needs a Civic Centre. I believe this should be on the existing town hall site, already owned by rate payers. Infrastructure upgrades are essential to address severe rainfall events, new builds and pressure from increasing population.

Ratepayers fund revenue for Council. We need to budget accordingly and spend appropriately, especially with Government cutting Councils percentage of funding. I believe every ratepayer is important and that communication from Council and councillors is a priority. I am available to listen to people’s issues and will always follow up on them.